Tuesday 10 January 2012


I have conducted a survey about peoples preference in zombie related movies and the results are below...

Which of the following would you rather see in a Zombie Film?...

Suspence: 6
Horror: 7
Blood/Gore: 9
Comedy: 3
Firearms: 6
Blunt Weapons (Bats,Clubs etc.): 5
Chase: 8
Sad Death (Lover/Parent etc.): 11
Protaganist Death/Live:
Dies: 9
Lives: 10
Would you rather a clear Antagonist or a coincidental outbreak?:
Antagonist (Terrorist etc.): 6
Coincidence (Natural Virus mutation/accidental outbreak of medicine etc.): 9

Using these results I decided that the majority would prefer a "classic" zombie film including an accidental outbreak along with weapons, blood, a chase and good old fashioned horror where the main character pulls through after heartache my results also back up my target audience theory and includes the result that audiences prefer suspense to comedy...

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