Friday, 18 November 2011

Audience Expectations

In zombie films audiences are expecting a thill, this tends to be the norm nowadays whereas a few decades ago in "Night Of The Living Dead" days audiences were expecting to be scared senseless...

In recent years zombie films have become less scary... or have they? We tend to take this as fact when in reality this could be due to Desensitisation Theory, where an audience has been subject to a particular shock or extreme that they don't find it as scary as they originally would.

But even so, crowds still flock to cinemas worldwide to watch the latest "Resident Evil" or George A. Romero movie, and films such as "28 Days Later" and TV series like "The Walking Dead" are amazingly successful with DVD sales. Also on top of this video games like "Dead Island", "Left 4 Dead" and "Dead Rising" fly off shelves in their hundreds of thousands... Why is this? Because people still get a thrill out of witnessing the dead come to life.

And with new films in the pipe line such as "World War Z" starring Brad Pitt theres no way that the zombie genre is becoming outdated any time soon.

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