Monday 21 November 2011

History of industry/medium

The zombie genre has been capturing audiences and giving them a thrill for decades, it all started to show around as early as the 1940's with America being the first to petrify crowds with scenes of dead people coming back to life and eating on the living, at the time this was as fearful as cinema was or ever could be and there was often cases of viewers at screenings fainting and being carried out of shows, zombie films remained to scare throughout the 50's and 60's and in the 70's a legend was revealed to the world... George A. Romero's Dawn Of The Dead... this feature was so scary to audiences that it soon became spread world wide simply through word of mouth this film launched Romero's career which is still strong today, zombie movies continued to be produced into the 00's and films such as Resident Evil and 28 Days Later.

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