Friday, 4 November 2011

Preliminary Evaluation...

I have completed my preliminary task for video and successfully filmed and edited a short introduction involving a character walking across a room and exchanging a couple lines of dialogue with another person.

I filmed this piece using a Sony cam-corder which was attached to a tripod for almost all of the filming except a short shot where it was hand-held.

Things included in my piece were:
  • someone opening a door
  • walking across a room
  • sitting down
  • engaging in conversation with another person
  • shot reverse shot
There is continuity throughout except the closing shot which is a purposeful and NOT a continuity mistake where the two characters suddenly have different ties on. This is a part of the scene and is supposed to add a comedic effect which is shown on the actors faces in the last frame.

I enjoyed the whole acting process as this is a passion of mine and is hopefully going to be my future career, I also enjoyed editing with Final Cut on the Macs on a whole I enjoyed the whole process from thinking of the original idea to final viewing.

I think to make the piece better I could not necessary focus so much on the script side of it as it was only a preliminary and not worry about scripts until the final piece.

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